
Rev. Katie Romano Griffin

Minister, All Souls Indianapolis

My first “introduction” to Kayla Parker began in 2014 when I was a lay campus minister. Becoming, the book she’d edited was one of the only resources that I found useful in my work. I was captivated by the work itself and it's UU grounding - and floored by it's depth, approachability and relevance in my ministry setting. Three years later, the Rev. Parker and I were placed in the same ministry support group at random, and I was awed to meet the editor of one of the most important UU young adult works of our time.

The last almost six years have taught me that Becoming is a mere tip of the iceberg of what is a deep ministry rooted in Unitarian Universalist ideals, theology and principles. Grounded in her faith, compassion for others, and imbued with unparalleled pastoral and systems management skill, Rev. Kayla embodies the very best of our faith. She leads with steadiness, sharp intellect and humor, and leaves no one behind as she helps move our faith to becoming the force of justice we seek in the world. 

Raymond Cady

Congregational Administrator

UU Community Church in Glen Allen, VA

Rev. Kayla has assisted me in working through my conflicts with job functioning, workload, and provided insights on how to handle delicate situations. She embraces a holistic approach to issues facing the church and its systems and she encourages all staff to speak with her when there is an issue with a program or how to work with church personalities and leadership groups.

She is an advocate for staff and our healthy functioning with the systems of UUCC. She provides positive feedback for jobs that I complete on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Additionally, she has helped me realize areas of growth that require my attention and does so with grace and understanding, all with an eye towards self-improvement and growth and has advocated for me as well. I have enjoyed working with Rev. Kayla as we work well together - with mutual respect – with the goal being the betterment of the church.

Diane Pominski

Chair of Stewardship

UU Community Church of Glen Allen, VA

Rev. Kayla provided key support to our highly successful Stewardship Campaign this past fiscal year, and I met with her many times to discuss strategy as Chair of the Stewardship Committee. Rev. Kayla offered good insights on how to approach the members and friends of the Congregation, and she was willing to take a strong leadership role in delivering the message about financial commitment to the church. Part of this was creating a short video in which she shared her thoughts about the future of this church and how making a strong commitment to UUCC will allow us to do the work we want to do in furthering our mission.

In our many discussions, she suggested that we clearly communicate the need to pay the staff at fair compensation, which we did. She stepped up to her key role as minister and she designed effective Sunday services during the campaign. Our successful campaign was, in part, due to Rev. Kayla's strong leadership and participation.

Rev. Leah Ongiri

Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Appleton, WI

Any congregation invested in living out its mission will be thrilled to encounter Rev. Kayla because she has a tremendous capacity to lead. In my years of knowing her and her ministry, I've been struck by her ability to bring both heart and head to the work of loving and leading a congregation.

I've learned a lot from Kayla about how to encourage people, navigate through conflict thoughtfully, strengthen systems, and have fun while in the middle of it all. She brings humor and humility and that is worth its weight in gold! Her style balances an admirable commitment to lifelong learning with a steady, trustworthy expertise, which she is generous enough to share freely.

Steve Goodman

Former Board President

UU Congregation in Charleston, WV

Rev. Kayla Parker joined the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charleston, WW in the early fall of 2016 as Contract Minister.  Over the two years that she was here, I saw her boundless energy and enthusiasm in all facets of ministerial and congregational life.  She showed her skill in public speaking and delivered excellent sermons with good insights and plenty to think over.

As Board President, I saw that Kayla was active and engaged at the Board meetings, yet she rigorously maintained boundaries and let the Board carry on its business and make decisions without interference. Kayla worked well with the congregants and the children, and I witnessed her caring nature and her skills in leadership, including workshops and training sessions.  

She made solid connections with outside groups supporting social justice causes and received considerable respect and admiration of the greater community. She was courageous in standing for what she believed was right and taking political action upholding UU principles. Kayla also faced situations that were new and challenging. She sought council with humility and listened carefully to all involved.  I believe that Kayla would be an outstanding settled minister.

Rev. Jim Lewis

Retired Episcopal Priest & Mentor 

Charleston, WV

It is a beautiful, yet too often a rare occurrence, to encounter an ordained minister who embodies a combination of pastoral and prophetic gifts. Kayla is one of those ministers. As a pastor, she is capable of being vitally present when people are in need of personal care. Along with that skill, she is astutely attentive to the social justice issues that trouble and challenge our nation and neighborhood. Through her preaching and teaching abilities, Kayla possesses the leadership skills capable of empowering her congregation, along with community people and organizations outside of her own religious community.

The very best thing I can say about Kayla Parker is that it would be a privilege to be a staff member, a colleague alongside of her, or a member of a Unitarian Universalist congregation that she led. 

Jane Murphy

Chair, Caring Committee & Pastoral Associates

All Souls Indianapolis

I had the privilege to work closely with Rev. Kayla on the All Souls of Indianapolis Caring Committee and the Pastoral Associates.  Rev. Kayla has strong leadership qualities and listens carefully to any issues or problems.  She encourages everyone to work together toward a workable solution.  She also possesses a strong, caring compassion for everyone and always had the time for one-on-one concerns.

Rev. Kayla developed a Small Group support group for several members who live in the same assisted living facility, which gave the church members a chance to share their thoughts and concerns together as a group. Her contributions to All Souls Unitarian Church were powerful, positive, and far reaching. I have no doubt that she is more than able to serve as beloved minister.  

Sister Placida Shumba

Colleague, Clinical Pastoral Education Residency in Huntington, WV

Kayla and I served together as Chaplain Residents at St. Mary's Hospital in Huntington, WV. Here I witnessed and admired her inclusivity to others. She is a hard worker who is open minded, co-operative and courageous. She is a team player who offers creative helpful ideas to the community. Her quick way of planning, thinking and participating in discussions was life-giving to me. 

Kayla would be a good fit to minister at your church because she is able to accommodate and address people in their different emotional, physical and spiritual needs, regardless of their race, color, faith beliefs or status.

Sarah Cordwell

Congregational Administrator

UU Congregation of Charleston, WV

I am the Congregational Administrator at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charleston, where Rev. Kayla was the contact minister from 2016-2018. We are a small congregation in a small city, where she became heavily involved in community organizing as well her functions as a minister. 

Although she was new to her role as a minister, she was fully engaged with our congregation and I felt supported by her as the administrator. She grew through congregational conflict and staffing changes and encouraged the congregation to do the same.  Her sense of humor made for an easy transition and her genuine nature inspires trust.